Watcher of Realms Guilds and Friend Invites Guide

A comprehensive guide to Watcher of Realms guilds and friend invites, how they work, how to participate, and what benefits they offer.

Watcher of Realms guild and friendship guide
Image via Moonton

There is no better way to progress in Watcher of Realms than by being a guild member. This feature comes with multiple advantages such as great rewards and the ability to communicate with other players.

This guide will explain everything you need to know about joining or creating a guild in Watcher of Realms, and the benefits that come with it. It will also cover the Friendship system, and what rewards you can expect when inviting your friends to play this game.

What is a Watcher of Realms guild?

Watcher of Realms guild details

A Watcher of Realms guild is a group of players who dedicate themselves to developing their individual characters and advancing their shared knowledge about the game’s basics.

Among the benefits and features include completing guild quests together, challenging tough guild bosses to earn amazing rewards, or even competing with other guild members for the top-ranking spots on the leaderboard.

How to join a guild in Watcher of Realms

How to join a guild in Watcher of Realms

To join a guild in Watcher of Realms, you must first unlock the Guild feature, which becomes available after winning the 6th stage of the 3rd Chapter in the Campaign mode. After that, you can tap the guild button that will appear at the bottom of your screen and apply for joining a guild from that list.

But before that, make sure to read the guilds’ descriptions and see if there are any BP requirements. If there are no requirements or applications, you will be immediately accepted.

Tips before joining a guild

Besides reading the description or checking if your BP matches the guild requirement, there are a few other things you should consider before joining a guild. One of these is how active the guild members are.

An inactive guild won’t be able to help you progress or provide the support you need, so it’s best to look for a guild that has a steady flow of activity, and this can be seen in the “Active in 7d” columns as you can see in the above image.

Another important factor when joining a guild is the guild level. Last, but not least, make sure to check the guild’s power under the “Total BP” column. A higher number means stronger members, which translates into better damage output when fighting Guild Bosses (more details below).

How to create a guild

How to create a guild in Watcher of Realms

If you don’t want to join an existing guild, or maybe the entire list of guilds is full or has high BP requirements, you can create your own for 250 diamonds.

You will be the leader of this new guild and you will have the ability to customize it as you wish. You can pick a banner, enter a name (4-20 characters), choose a guild tag (1-4 characters max.), and select the language.

You might as well enter a short description and an internal message. Lastly, you can decide how players can join your guild, instantly or via approval. When done, click the yellow button and you will be the leader of your very own guild.

How to change the Guild Leader

As a guild leader, you can choose to transfer the leadership to another member if you like, but you may also lose it automatically if you are offline for longer than 14 days.

This means that you will lose the leadership forever and be demoted to a regular member rank unless the new leader is willing to transfer the leadership back to you.

The leadership will be transferred based on guild ranks and activity. Those members who want to be qualified for this, need to have a score of a minimum of 50 in the 7d Activity column. If all members have less than 50, the leadership will not be transferred.

How to increase the Guild level?

The guild level can be increased through Guild Quests. Players of the same guild can earn Guild EXP by completing these quests every day, and the good thing about it is that there is no limit on the amount of weekly EXP a guild can receive.

The higher the guild level the better. A higher level gives you and your allies access to more worthy offers in the guild Shop.

Watcher of Realms Guild Bosses

Guild boss fight, Watcher of Realms

This feature is no doubt the one you can benefit from the most in a guild. Guild Bosses are powerful monsters that require a coordinated effort from all participating guild members to defeat them.

Every 10k points of DMG a member deals to a boss in combat will yield 1 drop of Dragon Blood. The total amount of Dragon Blood that members can collect a day determines how precious their rewards will be the next day.

What happens during the Guild Boss fight?

The main objective is to deal as much damage as possible and survive at least 1 minute in the fight. Otherwise, the battle will be over. Once the boss’s HP drops to 0, the guild boss becomes badly wounded. If the boss is defeated, all participating members will be rewarded the next day.

Bear in mind that you have a limited number of chances a day to challenge the guild boss, so do your best to make the most out of them.

The Guild Quests

Guild quests and the rewards for completing them

The Guild Quests are daily tasks that can be completed individually by all members of the same guild. There are also Weekly Public Quests that offer rewards for all guild members who participate.

Completing these quests will reward you with Activity points that are automatically consumed to increase the guild’s level. You also get various resources like gold and diamonds.

The Guild Shop

Guild shop and the available discounted offers

The Guild Shop can be used to purchase certain rare items such as Legendary Psychic Power, Summoning Crystals, Divine Artifact Fragments, and Radiant Meteorite (required for forging powerful WoR legendary artifacts), or simply exchange them for gold.

You can access the Shop via the Dwarven Association pr by tapping the little shop icon on the bottom-right corner of the Guild window.

How to earn Guild coins?

You can earn Guild Coins by completing Guild Quests. Additionally, there is a special weekly activity reward displayed at the top of the Guild Quests page. This reward includes a large number of Guild Coins and is given to all members at the end of the week, presuming the activity bar is fully filled by that time.

Watcher of Realms friends and friend invites

The friendship system is another interesting feature in Watcher of Realms. This allows players to communicate in private chats and.. that’s it. I do wish we had more utility for this feature, something like a gift feature that members can send each other gifts as we saw in other medieval mobile games like or the time reduction for building projects in many strategy games.

Obviously is not the case here for a time-reducing option, but something else like a stamina gift or the ability to summon heroes with a special currency accumulated via the friendship feature would be great.

How to invite friends in Watcher of Realms

How to invite friends in Watcher of Realms

The only main benefit you get from having friends is the ability to send them friend invites. When someone joins the game using your link, you will receive valuable free rewards.

The more friends you invite, the bigger the rewards. However, these rewards are given based on their progress in the game after starting the game (at levels 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50).

To invite a friend to Watcher of Realms, use the Invite option visible under the dropdown money, or access the Friends Invite page via the mains page of the game by pressing the shaking-hands icon on the left side. Next, hit “Tap to invite” and choose your favorite social media account or method to share the invite link.

Watcher of Realms Guild FAQ

Should I join a guild in Watcher of Realms?

Absolutely! Being a part of a guild will help you gain more rewards and progress much faster in the game. Plus, you also get a chance to join Guild Boss fights and collect even more amazing rewards.

Should I join a guild or create my own?

It depends on your situation. If you are looking for a guild that matches your desired BP and requirements, you can join an existing guild. However, if you want to make your own rules or have some specific preferences, then you can create your own guild.

How to leave a guild in Watcher of Realms?

To leave your guild, press the Guild Members tab while on the guild page and hit the Leave the Guild button visible at the bottom of the member list.

IN THIS ARTICLE: Watcher of Realms
Watcher of Realms guild and friendship guide
  • Release Date: Jul 13, 2023
  • Platform(s): Android, iOS, PC
  • Genre(s): RPG, Tower Defense,
  • Publisher(s): Moonton
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Cosmin is a passionate blogger and web designer with a keen interest in medieval-themed entertainment - whether it's playing medieval strategy games, watching movies, or reading books about that time period. This led him to create Medievalfun.