Isekai Slow Life Tier List With All Fellows Ranked

Wondering which fellows are the best in Isekai: Slow Life? This tier list guide ranks all the characters to help you make the most out of your village.

Isekai Slow Life tier list best characters
Image via Mars-Games / Edited by Medievalfun

Isekai: Slow Life is an anime mobile game that features an interesting mix of exploration, town-building, and character development. You’ll start small by managing a humble village and then gradually develop it as you explore the continent and make new friends.

Along your journey, you’ll come across unique characters, known as fellows, who can help expand your business and various stores and join guilds for adventures or combat.

But since there are so many fellows to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which ones will help you the most on your journey. That’s why we created this Isekay Slow Life tier list that ranks all the characters in the game so you can pick the best ones for your journey.

Isekai Slow Life Character Tier List

Rank Isekai: Slow Life Characters
S Mammon, Mescal, Trady, Lux, Avril, Stephanie, Salvo, Super, Kaye, Nip
A Ira, Acedia, Avar, Emosen, Jewlry, Anne, Loya, Augustine, Ida
B Quenchy, Elise, Adeline, Cimitir, Liz, Rani, Angie, Guarg
C Mirac, Hawker, Boatter, Belle, Lincale, Woolf, Björnson, Maeden, Geast
D Prim, Ariko, Rogile, Kaity, Dr.Dotor, Knivi, Reir, Pump, Fifi, Maxim

S-Tier Characters (Absolute Best)

In this tier, we ranked the best fellows in Isekay Slow Life. They have the most powerful skills and abilities that can help you progress in the game.

  • Mammon (Inventor)
  • Mescal (Gang Leader)
  • Trady (Merchant President)
  • Lux (Archdemon)
  • Avril (Pastor)
  • Stephanie (Mage)
  • Salvo (Warrior)
  • Super (Archdemon)
  • Kaye (Paladin)
  • Nip (Hunter)


Mammon, best character in Isekai Slow Life

Mammon is the best character in Isekay Slow Life. He is an inventor who has one of the highest initial aptitude scores at 80. His main talent is that when assigned to any type of building, he gets a 100% increase in earnings, making him perfect for expanding your village faster and managing businesses.

Additionally, he’s also great at negotiating during trading post negotiations, giving you a 10% increase. Lastly, during education, he can increase brave pupil earnings by 10%. With Mammon as part of your team, you’ll be able to progress quickly and build a strong town.

  • Rank: S
  • Title: Scarlet Geek
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Inventor
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Devil


Mescal, Isekai Slow Life character

Mescal is another formidable fellow to have on your team in Isekai Slow Life, almost as great as Mammon. He is a dragon gang leader with the highest possible initial aptitude score of 100.

His main talent is his ability to increase your earnings from Unfettered buildings by 100%, making him the perfect character for accumulating resources quickly and efficiently. With Mescal on your side, you’ll be able to build up your town faster than ever before!

  • Rank: S
  • Title: Dragonfather
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Gang Leader
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Dragon


Trady, Isekai Slow Life character
  • Rank: S
  • Title: MonoFoxy
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Merchant President
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Canine Kemonomimi


Lux, Isekai Slow Life hero
  • Rank: S
  • Title: Archdemon of Lust
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Archdemon
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Clam


Avril, Isekai Slow Life hero
  • Rank: S
  • Title: Summoned Melody
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Pastor
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Human


Stephanie, Isekai Slow Life character
  • Rank: S
  • Title: Summoned Magic
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Mage
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Witch


Salvo, Isekai Slow Life character
  • Rank: S
  • Title: Summoned Bravery
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Warrior
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Human


Super, Isekai Slow Life character
  • Rank: S
  • Title: Archdemon of Pride
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Archdemon
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Crow


Kaye, Isekai Slow Life hero
  • Rank: S
  • Title: Summoned Shield
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Paladin
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Human


Nip, Isekai Slow Life hero
  • Rank: S
  • Title: Summoned Arrow
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Hunter
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Elf

A-Tier Fellows (Solid)

Characters in this rank are still quite strong, but not as powerful as S-tier characters. They will still be able to offer great support for your journey.

  • Ira (Archdemon)
  • Acedia (Archdemon)
  • Avar (Archdemon)
  • Emosen (Explorer)
  • Jewlry (Collector)
  • Anne (Pirate)
  • Loya (Secretary)
  • Augustine (Necromancer)
  • Ida (Fairy tale writer)


Ira, Isekay character
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Archdemon of Wrath
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Archdemon
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Dragon


  • Rank: A
  • Title: Archdemon of Sloth
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Archdemon
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Bee


Avar, Isekay hero
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Archdemon of Greed
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Archdemon
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Human


Emosen, Isekay hero
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Polar Explorer
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Explorer
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Canine Kemonomimi


Jewlry, Isekay character
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Pretty Collector
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Collector
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Dragon


Anne, Isekay hero
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Gorgon Captain
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Pirate
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Medusa


Loya, Isekay character
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Perpetual Secretary
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Secretary
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Action Figure


Augustine, Isekay hero
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Former Necromancer
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Necromancer
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Skeleton


Ida, Isekay hero
  • Rank: A
  • Title: Former Philosopher
  • Character Grade: SSR
  • Occupation: Fairy tale writer
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Former Philosopher

B-Tier Fellows (Good)

In this tier, you’ll find fellows who have good stats and abilities, perfect for the early-mid game.

  • Quenchy (Craftsman)
  • Elise (Dealer)
  • Adeline (River God)
  • Cimitir (Architect)
  • Liz (Perfumer)
  • Rani (Yogi)
  • Angie (Florist)
  • Guarg (Tomb Guard)


  • Rank: B
  • Title: Molten Craft
  • Character Grade: SR
  • Occupation: Craftsman
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Dwarf


  • Rank: B
  • Title: Cupidity Devourer
  • Character Grade: SR
  • Occupation: Dealer
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Mimic


  • Rank: B
  • Title: Mystery Acarpelous
  • Character Grade: SR
  • Occupation: River God
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Potamos


Cimitir hero
  • Rank: B
  • Title: Blood Architect
  • Character Grade: SR
  • Occupation: Architect
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Vampire


  • Rank: B
  • Title: Natural Perfume
  • Character Grade: SR
  • Occupation: Perfumer
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Butterfly


  • Rank: B
  • Title: Meditating Serpent
  • Character Grade: SR
  • Occupation: Yogi
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Lamia


  • Rank: B
  • Title: Secret Florist
  • Character Grade: SR
  • Occupation: Florist
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Mantis


  • Rank: B
  • Title: Immobile Night
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Tomb Guard
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Gargoyle

C-Tier (Average Fellows)

The characters in this tier are have average skills and stats. You can use them for a variety of tasks, but they won’t excel. You should replace them as soon as you get some heroes from the higher tiers.

  • Mirac (Magician)
  • Hawker (Guard)
  • Boatter (Boatman)
  • Belle (Maid)
  • Lincale (Alchemist)
  • Woolf (Shepherd)
  • Björnson (Hunter)
  • Maeden (Winemaker)
  • Geast (Baker)


  • Rank: C
  • Title: Bunny Magic
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Magician
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Leporidae Kemonomimi


  • Rank: C
  • Title: Eagle Eye
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Guard
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Falcon


  • Rank: C
  • Title: Young Gandolier
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Boatman
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Sea Otter


  • Rank: C
  • Title: Fierce Maid
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Maid
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Canine Kemonomimi


  • Rank: C
  • Title: Calm Researcher
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Alchemist
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Lizardman


  • Rank: C
  • Title: Purebred Shepherd
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Shepherd
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Sheperd Dog


Björnson Isekai Slow Life
  • Rank: C
  • Title: White Hunter
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Hunter
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: White Bear


Björnson Isekai Slow Life
  • Rank: C
  • Title: Vintage Fairy
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Winemaker
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Fairy


  • Rank: C
  • Title: Woofing Baker
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Baker
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Shiba Inu

D-Tier (Weakest)

This tier is for characters with the weakest stats and abilities. They can be used to start the game, but you should not waste too many resources on them.

  • Prim (Merchant)
  • Ariko (Bird Catcher)
  • Rogile (Reporter)
  • Kaity (Fisher)
  • Dr.Dotor (Doctor)
  • Knivi (Adventurer)
  • Reir (Bard)
  • Pump (Farmer)
  • Fifi (Maid)
  • Maxim (Pharmacist)


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Little Merchant
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Merchant
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Goblin


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Sunny Smile
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Bird Catcher
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Scarecrow


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Street Flash
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Reporter
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Muridae Kemonomimi


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Never Skunked
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Fisher
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Felidae Kemonomimi

Dr. Dotor

  • Rank: D
  • Title: Suture Doctor
  • Character Grade: R
  • Occupation: Doctor
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Zombie


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Lone Wolf
  • Character Grade: N
  • Occupation: Adventurer
  • Class: Brave
  • Race: Canine Kemonomimi


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Indecent Poetry
  • Character Grade: N
  • Occupation: Bard
  • Class: Inspiring
  • Race: Elf


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Gourmet Farmer
  • Character Grade: N
  • Occupation: Farmer
  • Class: Unfettered
  • Race: Dwarf


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Neko Maid
  • Character Grade: N
  • Occupation: Maid
  • Class: Diligent
  • Race: Felidae Kemonomimi


  • Rank: D
  • Title: Explosive Potion
  • Character Grade: N
  • Occupation: Pharmacist
  • Class: Informed
  • Race: Demonoid
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Cosmin is a passionate blogger and web designer with a keen interest in medieval-themed entertainment - whether it's playing medieval strategy games, watching movies, or reading books about that time period. This led him to create Medievalfun.