Best-Looking Castle Skins in Rise of Castles: Ice and Fire

Rise of Empires castle skins

Just like legion skins, castle skins in Rise of Castles: Ice and Fire (previously known as Rise of Empires) give your castle a unique and customized look that is different from the rest. There are many different skins to choose from, and each one has its own distinct appearance.

While some are only used for cosmetic purposes, others can provide special bonuses or abilities that can help you in battle or in your town development, especially when combined with the attributes offered by your Raider class. No matter what your purpose is for using them, castle skins in Rise of Castles are a great way to make your castle stand out from the crowd.

How to Get Skins in Rise of Castles?

Unfortunately, most Rise of Castles castle skins (if not all of them) can be obtained through in-app purchases. And what’s even worse is that the packs that contain a permanent skin voucher, do not offer a guaranteed drop.

For example, by purchasing the Ice Fortress pack at €5.49 or the one at €21.99, you have a small chance to get the permanent Ice Fortress castle skin. However, it is not mentioned if the chances are higher for the more expensive pack. The same goes for the other castle skins currently in the game.

Best Castle Skins in Rise of Castles

These are the best-looking skins for your castle in Rise of Castles. They offer the best bonuses and nice-looking effects that will make your castle stand out from other players:

12. Dragon Guarded Pavilion

dragon guarded pavilion castle skin

Dragon Guarded Pavilion (not a great name, but who cares, it’s a cool skin) is also a well-designed skin, perfect for those who want to have a Chinese-themed castle.

It comes with some nice animations, such as the golden dragon circling your castle and gold leaves and sparkles beaming down from the dragon. Unfortunately, the skin’s bonuses after use are way lower than other skins and the permanent variant does not offer any special bonuses. However, you do have a +5% enemy death rate increase upon successful siege.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Troop HP: +3%None
Tactical Might: +5%
Enemy Death Rate Upon Siege Victory: +5%

11. Candy House Pink

candy house castle skin

Candy House Pink castle skin is one of the cutest skins available. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to celebrate Valentine’s Day or simply wants to have a pink and adorable-looking castle all year round.

It comes with a delightful rainbow behind the castle, and some nice animations, such as the candy hearts flying around your castle and the sparks surrounding it.

Unfortunately, the special bonuses or abilities that come with this skin are not that great, a bit lower than what other skins offer, but it’s still one of the best-looking skins in Rise of Castles.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +8%Max Wounded: +10%
Army Defense: +8%

10. Anubis Heavenly Gift

Anubis heavenly gift castle skin

Anubis Heavenly Gift is a nice castle skin to have, especially if you like pyramids and ancient Egyptian culture. It comes with a few nice animations, such as the big circles twirling behind the pyramid, and the green light coming from a few spots.

But what’s unique about this skin is that it has great bonuses for those looking to increase the marching speed or the gathering speed of their legions.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Gathering Speed: +20%None
Marching Speed: +10%

9. Diablo

diablo castle skin

If you are one of the luckier ones and have managed to get your hands on the permanent voucher for this castle skin, then congratulations. The design does not look like a castle at all, it’s a giant beast that spits flames periodically.

But what’s really special about this skin, is the military bonuses offered by the permanent version, a +3% Might bonus for your Cavalry and Archer units, and a -10% enemy marching speed decrease while on its way to attack you. A great boost to have in your battles. Other bonuses include:

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Cavalry Might: +3%
Army Defense: +10%Archer Might: +3%
Army HP: +1%Enemy Siege Marching Speed: -10%

8. Dark Castle

dark castle skin

This green-hued skin is perfect for anyone who wants to have a dark and foreboding castle. It reminds me of Minas Morgul from Lord of the Rings, or the dark castles you often see in gothic horror movies.

The skin also gives your castle a few extra army stats, but what’s really cool about this skin is that the Permanent Attribute offers an impressive +10% Technological Research Speed, which is perfect for anyone who wants to get a head start in the game. Other stats include:

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Siege Might: +3%
Army Defense: +10%Technological Research Speed: +10%
Army HP: +1%

7. Ice Wolf Fort Perfect

ice wolf fort castle skin

I love this skin for its simplicity and its rustic design. Is like a castle from a fairy tale, with the giant white and savage wolf sitting at the top of the castle surrounded by glaciers.

However, the one thing I do not like is the blizzard animations repeating too often, not giving you the opportunity to truly admire the golden castle beneath the ferocious wolf. But other than that, it’s great-looking skin that gives your castle a more whimsical and fairytale-like feel.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Army Might: +3%
Army Defense: +10%Tactical Resistance: +3%
Army HP: +1%Siege Attacker Damage: +1.5%

6. Dark Dragon

dark dragon castle skin

To be honest, I don’t even get why this skin is called the Dark Dragon when the purple color scheme dominates and we can barely see the dragon hidden behind that tower in the middle.

The design is also not really impressive, with no glowing or other effects except the electric lighting that occasionally strikes the castle. However, if you’re a fan of the purple color, then this is the perfect skin for your castle. The permanent skin will also offer you a 3% resistance bonus for your Cavalry units.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Siege Might: +1%
Army Defense: +10%Cavalry Siege Resistance: +3%

5. Dark Pearl

dark pearl castle skin

If you like pirates and want to have a castle that looks like a pirate ship, then this is the skin for you. The animations with that pile of gold glowing and the lightning strikes are simply amazing, although I think that the lightning strikes repeat a bit too often.

The skin also gives your castle a few extra attack and defense stats after use, and a generous +20% bonus for the Amount of Resource Plundered, for the Permanent Attribute. A great bonus for those who want to get more resources upon successful enemy attacks.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Amount of Resource Plundered: +20%
Army Defense: +10%

4. Ice Fortress

Ice Fortress castle skin

If you like dragons, then this is the castle skin for you. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to have a castle that looks like it’s straight out of Game of Thrones. The skin is not the typical castle design, but the icy dragon on top of the fortress, with its blue and white color scheme, and the ice that covers the walls of your castle, make it one of the best-looking skins in the game.

There is also another similar variant called Ice Fortress – Perfect which offers a few extra bonuses, but in my opinion, is too shiny and full of light waves and sparkles that make the dragon barely visible.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Siege Might: +2%
Army Defense: +10%Tactical Might: +2%

3. Castle of Spooks

castle of spooks castle skin

This is one of the best castle skins for the Halloween event that Rise of Castles has to offer. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to get into the spirit of the season.

The animations are simply top-notch, and they really help to set the mood for your Halloween celebrations with those bats flying around your castle and the witch appearing on its broom in the moonlight.

The castle itself is also quite spooky, with its dark color scheme and eerie lighting, and the pumpkins on the walls. Unfortunately, it has no special bonuses or abilities, but it’s still a great-looking skin that helps to get you into the Halloween mood.

2. Scorching Cold Knight

Scorching Cold Knight roe castle skin

Scorching Cold Knight is the newest Rise of Castles castle skin released with the Halloween is Here event. Those who purchase the Surprise Chests premium package (€5.49) have a chance to get one of these items, the Scorching Cold Knight Permanent castle skin, the Scorching Cold Knight Name Tag, 1 or 2 Super Recruitment Tickets, 30 Wisdom Medals or 1000 Gems.

The Scorching Cold Knight is a fearsome sight with its icy blue and fire-red color schemes and it goes perfectly with the Ice & Fire Legion Skin and the Halloween is Here event’s chilly atmosphere..if you are lucky enough to get them both.

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Siege Resistance: +2%
Army Defense: +10%Cavalry Might: +3%
Army HP: +1%

1. Hades

Hades castle skin Rise of Empires

Hades is one of the latest castle skins released in Rise of Castles: Ice and Fire, and I must say is probably my favorite castle skin so far. There is also a cyan version called Hades: Apocalypse but this one looks so much better in my opinion.

It reminds me of the Firelands citadel raid entrance in World of Warcraft. The skin itself is very well designed, with its black and red color scheme, and the flames that lick the walls of your castle. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to have a dark and sinister-looking castle. The skin also gives your army a few extra stats, such as:

Attributes when usedPermanent attributes
Army Might: +10%Siege Might: +2%
Army Defense: +10%Footmen Might: +3%
Army HP: +1%

How to Change Castle Skins?

You can change your castle skin by tapping the Architecture Institute building in your town. After that, you can select the “Decorate” option and the entire list of castle skins will appear. From that list, you can pick any castle skins that you have already unlocked or any new skins that you want to unlock if you have the required type of voucher (one day, more days, or permanent).

How do you activate the castle skin vouchers?

You can activate your castle skin vouchers by tapping the corresponding skin in the Architecture Institute skins list and after that, tapping the Exchange button visible at the bottom of your screen.

Once you do that, a window will pop up where you can select the skin voucher duration (7 days, 30 days, Permanent, etc.) and click the Exchange button once more. If you have the corresponding voucher, the castle skin will be unlocked.

IN THIS ARTICLE: Rise of Castles
Rise of Empires castle skins
  • Release Date: Aug 1, 2018
  • Platform(s): Android, iOS
  • Genre(s): Strategy,
  • Publisher(s): Long Tech
Article by

Cosmin is a passionate blogger and web designer with a keen interest in medieval-themed entertainment - whether it's playing medieval strategy games, watching movies, or reading books about that time period. This led him to create Medievalfun.